Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday Day 17 (I think??) - quick update

Sorry for not posting, but life sometimes gets in the way. I did my workouts Saturday, but somehow Sunday turned into the day where I did not workout at all, for the very first time in a while... But I am not beating myself up about it, it happened, so what!
We had a big event at work last night, where over 40 local chefs presented their food. Lost of sweet stuff, lots of temptation! I did have 2 pieces of sushi (rice on low carb...) and 2 tiny bites of parma ham filled with a little goat cheese, but other then that I stayed ED and low carb free. No alcohol, nothing sweet... It was great to have Robin there with me and we kept each other on track!
I was too tired though for my last workout at 11pm and decided that sleep was more important then workout!
Have brussel sprouts in the oven right now for my lunch and am getting ready to shower after the morning workout!

My shoulder feels better, I have another chiro app today and hopefully will be back to doing push ups in a few days!


  1. Sorry to hear of your injury, Annette. Hope your shoulder is back to normal very soon - I know how frustrating it must be!

    Your Sunday sounds a bit like mine - no workouts, but at least ED compliant. :)

  2. wow, i would of been so tempted with all that good food around, you did well sticking to what you ate. take care.
