Sunday, June 13, 2010

Days 6 and 7

Not much to report on day 6 - workouts done and a good hour of beach volleyball on top.

Today got started with the pyramid, have always loved it, and finished in 16 minutes and 35 seconds. Then Meltdown, and off to the pool it was again! Played over 2.5 hours of volleyball today and by the time I got home I was just dead tired. Hubby wanted to eat out, so we did (had broccoli steamed and chicken), and when I told hubby and son that I would be skipping the remainders of my workouts they both asked simultaneously: "WHY???". So I felt really guilty and didn't want to let Dax and you guys down, so I jumped on my bike and did the cardio. I am still missing ICP - but all the jumping and running in the sandpit today have to do.... And I am not feeling guilty about missing one today!!

Low-carb just really stinks, I have always hated it - but on the bright side it makes regular ED look like gourmet heaven! So I will tough it out and look forward to Wednesday! Otherwise I feel good, I think my pants are looser again, and we will see tomorrow when we weigh in!

Hope everyone is doing great - good night!


  1. Wow - all that exercise sounds exhausting just reading about it! I'm sure missing one session is perfectly acceptable with the volley ball. I hate low carb too - dreaming of a potato now! :o)

  2. I hate it too - bring on the fruit and yog tomorrow xx

  3. Wow your so active, one session wont hurt you done loads of exercise today. i am looking forward to the carbs tomorrow. :)
