Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tomorrow we start (again)!

Weekend is almost over, I enjoyed a cheese and wine party at the pool on Friday night, did some cleaning up of the fridge (aka eating quite a bit of banned food) this weekend, but now I am ready! Just made some kale chips to snack on, plus baked a few fig/nut/egg/coconut "muffins" which will be great on regular ED days to give me a little sweet fix.
There is chicken in the fridge, plenty of broccoli, and the garden is full of sweet peas, strawberries, some broccoli, kale, salad.

I took it very easy in terms of working out this week due to 2 injuries: one in my right glute, and then my right anterior deltoid. The glute was from playing beach volleyball last weekend and seems to be healing just fine, the foam roller is my best friend right now there. The delt has been bothering me for quite a while, those divebomber push-ups seem to be hitting some spot that does not agree with it. But I am hoping to be mostly over it and am ready to go working out like a mad women again starting tomorrow morning!

Will take my measurements in the morning as well and post them. Time to do some more cleaning and go to bed now!


  1. Would you be willing to share your "muffin" receipe?

  2. I second that comment! yes please share. x

  3. Just posted it! :-) Hope you like it!
