Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 10 - not grumpy, but injured...

Hi all, thanks so much for the nice comments on my post yesterday!! I feel much better today, thank you! Which I can not say about my shoulder....
I've had a twinge in the anterior delt for months, but always ignored it. Well, yesterday evening I noticed a big bulging protrusion on top of my shoulder, very sensitive to touch. After talking to Dax I went to my chiro, and I have a severly sprained acromium-clavicular joint (sp??). Basically all the little tendons in the shoulder are sprained, and it means that I need to stop exercising (only my right arm!! I am not going anywhere!!!) for a week or two while I rehab that shoulder.

So Power Circuit with one arm only (still huffing and puffing!) and doing a plank while watching Robin suffering through the walk-outs (actually she is not suffering anymore, she has gotten so strong in those few days!!), and meltdown with mostly lower-body stuff, and one-arm overhead presses etc!

But hey, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and there is still tons of stuff I can do without the shoulder!

Loved the carbs today, what a heavenly feeling to bite into a piece of watermelon or this nice big fat baked sweet potatoe that we had for lunch! Yummm!!!

Now have a good night everybody - I still have a lower body workout to do before bed :-)


  1. Ouch! Poor thing - I'm sure you'll do as prescribed - but do be careful out there! :o)

  2. I did that to my shoulder last November. The good part is that it's not an ankle or anything you need to stand on. ;) It also heals rather quickly when you rest it up and rehab. Good for you for keeping it up!

  3. Hope you heal faster Annette! Can you tell me how you make your green smoothie?

  4. Melissa, I will send you a "recipe"...

    Jeana, yes, I am glad it is only the shoulder and it should be good again within a week! :-)
    And yes Sue, I am careful! Thanks!
