Saturday, January 2, 2010

Meltdown challenge day 1 and 2

Since I don't have internet right now until the new router comes, I am posting for day 1 and 2 from a friends house.
Day 1 went well in terms of food (lots of joghurt, nuts, eggs, veggies) and workouts:

Meltdowns densities day 1 (and 2 in parenthesis)
push up 50 (54)
squat: 54 (58)
press 42 (46)
sb lunge 51 (53)
spidey 54 (55)
step thru lunge 28 (30)
curl/press 24 (26)
squat 55 (59)

Cardio was 10 minutes hard on the nordic track yesterday, and 15 minutes hard on the bike today.

Felt a little sore this morning from yesterdays workouts, which were surprisingly hard, but after the meltdown and a hot bath I am much better again and looking forward to my individual circuit in a few minutes.

This time around I have no headache, since I never really but coffee back in my diet after the LGN challenge. Glad I didn't! But I am peeing constantly with all the water and herbal teas, despite the salt. So be it... We'll have roasted chicken and veggies this evening, looking forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. Great start Annette.

    Sounds as though you and I will have to find a way to stay on message, the slippy slope is all too slippy...

    Keep it up
