Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16 - and back in my "skinny" jeans

Over half way through, and still going strong.
It was low carb day no. 3 today, and I felt tired and sore - but just beat my pyramid time by almost a minute! So obviously there is still more juice in those bones then I realize!
Can't wait though for my yoghurt and fruit tomorrow, I am already very excited. Fasting on Monday will be no big deal, I have been doing it in the past and it should be nothing new. Not sure how it will work with 4 workouts a day, but I shall see!

I decided not to weigh myself for a while, but was just so happy to put on my skinny jeans on Friday, and they fit! Not too much muffin top going on either, and lots of comments, so I was one happy camper! We have friends visiting for 3 days, so there is lots of cooking and entertaining, but at least we eat in house most of the time and it is easy for me to serve the right foods. My friend Jennifer even did some of the workouts with me, which was cool! Hopefully I can inspire her to get started on the fitness wagon again as well, she is much more of an athlete at heart then she gives herself credit for...

Did Kettlebell swings as my cardio yesterday with my brand new 30 lbs bells, and wow, I really felt it today. So todays Cardio session with just some running around at the playground with my son and his friend.

Okay, back to cleaning the kitchen now - looking so forward to carbs tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. way to go - Annette. There's nothing as satisfying as "measuring" yourself with your clothes
