Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday, day 3

It was interval day yesterday, which I kept short and sweet. Did a nice 30 minute power walk over lunch to soak up some rays and enjoy the sunny fall days here in DC.

Started the day with 15 easy minutes on the bike and some stretching, and then did workout B from the October workout over lunch in the gym. Those weights started being really heavy on the 3rd round!! I enjoy that type of workout a lot, since I get my heart rate up while still getting the weight training.

I am having green smoothies this week for breakfast (a few fistfuls of organic spinach, a banana, some raw organic cocoa beans, some maca, a spoonful of protein powder). Snack is nuts and an apple, lunch is usually left over dinner: some protein with green, like grilled salmon and brussel sprouts today. Some yoghurt for a snack, and dinner (meatballs with tomatoe sauce today). I have been doing pretty well on the diet side, and really hope that I can keep it up! Diet is my downfall, and I don't want the creep to happen.

Now the house is quiet, with son and husband sleeping, and I am enjoying some "me"time....


  1. Diet is the hardest part for me too. I don't normally have a problem with working out regularly (though every once in a while I'll hit a short slump), but the food thing is tough.

    Hang in there, sounds like you are doing great so far!

  2. Sounds like a good day. well done
