Saturday, July 3, 2010

Making do....

Okay, hubby is back in a different hospital... we went for a follow-up appointment yesterday at GW University hospital, and they promptly admitted him. There was talk about MRSA, and according to my research he is now on the one antibiotic that still seems to help with this staph infection. No clue where he got it from, since he is in none of the risk groups.

So I spent all day yesterday in the ER again, and while hubby dozed, I did lunges, squats, 1 leg RDLs, etc. as Meltdown, and later the power circuit. Didn't get home until past 10pm and just crashed. On the bright side I had started my carb day around lunch on Thursday, since I like to fast from lunch to lunch, so after breakfast yesterday when it became clear that we would be in the hospital for a while I just started my fast. So no crappy hospital food for me (I had not brought snacks or food, thinking we would be home by lunch, and I didn't want to snack!). Meaning my fast is almost over, another couple of hours and I will have some eggs.

Will do the ICP now, I know I am out of sync, but with my shoulder injury I just do what I can. Even though I am failing the program right now I know that I am NOT failing it: I am doing what I can with my injury and my husbands illness, and for me the nutrition part was more important this time around anyway, so I am doing good!

I am also making sure to take good care of myself - plenty of Tulsi tea, my supplements, enough sleep, enough water, and despite all that is going on I feel pretty good. Thanks to all of you for your well-wishes, its much appreciated :-)

Now on to the final spurt, good luck to you all!


  1. OMG you are not having a good time at all. Hope your husband is feeling a little better.

    Well done for sticking to the diet despite everything.

  2. Hope the Tulsi tea does the trick, and that your husband is home soon!

  3. Sending good wishes to your husband, it's a bad time for you and I think you are doing amazingly well. You are far from failing! That word does not apply to you Annette, you are doing everything possible under the circumstances, and continue to be supportive to the rest of us. Thank you - and best wishes.

  4. Bad luck with the shoulder... but ED itself helps to amend it, I do not doubt. And ED was your primary goal and you succeed to fulfill it bravely and with invention. Keep going!
    As to yeast and chlorella: I count it as food, but not a meal on its own - only a richer supplement. The yeast is a brewery kind in hard tablets, so I gulp it with water, and chlorella tablets are delicious when chewed (not very social matter because it tends to stick between teeth:-). But your idea with smoothie sounds interesting, I like flavour of yeast even though somebody can find it too harsh or "specific"...

    Best wishes to your family!

  5. Oh my! Dennis is back in the hospital???? Holy cow! I really hope this nightmare is over for you guys soon! Please give hime my best. But keep it up, girl, you're doing so great givn all the distractions and bits of life that have gotten in the way. We'll have to figure out our strategy on Tuesday for the next few weeks. I don't want to let all of the stuff we've accomplished over the past 4 weeks backslide. Cheers!
