Saturday, January 9, 2010

I am so pround of myself!!!! Days 5-9

Yes, I am very proud of myself for surviving this challenging week just fine. Yes, something had to give, and it was my blogging - no internet for a few days, and then all day meetings.
I am going strong on Dax Moy's 30 day challenge - check out htttp:// for more info.

Did all 4 workouts on Tuesday, food was ED.
Wednesday, my first day of meetings. Got up at 5 am for the first workout, got everything ready, got my 6-year old ready, left the house at 7am. 45 minute commute to work, meetings until 6:40 pm followed by dinner outside. Managed to take a 15 minute cardio power walk over lunch, and came late to dinner because I stopped at the gym for my 3rd workout. Came home at 10 and did the last one before collapsing. Food was low carb... :-(

Pretty much the same goes for Thursday and Friday, but I had to skip one workout each day. Otherwise I would have had to skip even more sleep, and that felt more important!

But why am I proud? Not just because I got at least 3 workouts in on really full days, but also because I did not cheat on the diet despite eating out all the time. And also because I work in corporate sales for a gourmet food company, and we were being trained on all our new sweet products. Meaning I was constantly fed the most beautiful desserts created by our top notch chefs! And we had baking workshops, where we prepared the most delicious cookies, cakes, mousses, cremes you can imagine. And that all without even licking my finger once....
I must be crazy, right? Everybody else thought so, but so what, I know I am doing the right thing.

Today is Saturday, I have the laptop back up and running, and am back posting, enjoying my carb day (yoghurt and fruits is heaven today!), and a normal workout schedule. Cardio was sledding down the hill behind the house today, at least until I hit the bird feeder and my back started hurting. Still good fun running up the hill!
Off now for my last workout today, the power circuit, then a nice dinner, and early to bed today!

Will post new measurements tomorrow....


  1. GREAT job, Annette! You SHOULD be proud! It would take a lot of resolve to resist those yummy temptations! Way to put yourself first and do what is best for you!
