Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Angie's workouts

It is not even 6:30 am, and I am done with my workout for the day - Hoorayh!!! 20 minutes of intervals on the Nordic Track, followed by 4 rounds of Angie's mini lower body challenge no. 1: reverse lunges, squats, sgl leg step-up, squat jumps.

Wow, that combo made me huff and puff and work up a sweat! I am in the middle of a 24 hour fast right now, started at 11am yesterday, but have to say that I had lots of energy for the workout and felt really great. I started doing the fast a few weeks ago, one day a week, usually Monday noon to Tuesday noon works really well for me. Besides a few minutes of hunger, that go away with lots of herbal tea and water, I feel actually really good, and it is so liberating not having to think about lunch, snacks, etc. A few more hours to go and I have a nice oatmeal waiting for me at work, and red beets and kale with goulash probably after a lunch time walk around the neighborhood.
The sun is finally shining again and the temps are climbing up - I am not ready yet for winter!


  1. wow - are you always such an early riser? I struggle to peel myself out of bed for 7. Sounds as if you are doing great. Its Thursday lunchtime now and I've realised you must be almost 3 weeks into this programme. How does it feel? support, community, and results?

  2. I love that lower body workout too! Great job getting it done so early. Makes it easier to get through the day doesn't it?
